The Physio Bike Fit Process

  • Book your appointment

    You can easily book online or give me a call. If you’re not sure what type of bike fit is suitable please feel free to call me and we can discuss what option would be best.

  • Communication

    You’ll be sent an appointment confirmation email with a form to fill out. This gives me information on what you’re hoping to gain from your fit. I’ll also email you prior to your appointment advising what to bring and what to expect on the day.

  • On the day

    We start with a casual chat about your cycling experience, injuries (current or past), any plans or goals you have, and what issues you have on the bike. We’ll discuss what I think would be best, and why, before we the start the fit.

  • Muscle & movement screening

    A movement and muscle screening will assess flexibility and strength of all the appropriate muscles and joints. Its nothing difficult so dont worry. I’ll discuss these findings with you, explain how it can effect your bike fit, and how we can improve things.

  • The Bike Fit

    Now we’ll get you on the bike and start making adjustments to get you closer to your optimal position. Throughout the fit I’ll explain every aspect and take photos/videos to demonstrate the changes taking place.

  • At the end of the session

    I’ll take all the measurements needed so if anything moves it can be put back into position. I’ll discuss with you what to expect in the upcoming weeks and if theres anything you need to work on to improve the fit further.

  • The days following

    I’ll send you a full report explaining what we changed on your bike and why. I’ll include any photos taken, the measurements taken and any further recommendations. I’ll send you your own exercise program (all videos) based on the movement screening and any other issues we came across.