Physiotherapy with a cycling injury specialist

Injuries within cycling are very common, the number of pedal revolutions plus an incorrect bike fit can lead to repetitive strain injuries, hot foot, back pain, neck ache, ITB Syndrome. tingling in the hands, knee pain, ankle pain, wrist pain, and much, much more.

I have over 10 years experience as a Physiotherapist, have worked in professional sports, and with many professinal atheletes in my own clinics.

I have a seperate Physiotherapy company which has 9 clinics, and Im registered to assess and treat clients through all major health insurance companies.

Im qualified in a wide range of additional skills and techniques including diagnostic ultrasound scanning, shockwave therapy, acupuncture, K-Taping and sports massage.

If you dont need a bike fit but would like to book in for a Physiotherapy session with a cycling enthusiast like yourself, please click the link below!