• How do I know if I need a Physio Bike Fit

    The correct riding position has been proven to increase comfort, efficiency, and reduce risk of injury. If you cycle frequently, or want to start cycling frequently, and havent had a fit, then you would most likely benefit from a Physio Bike Fit. Please feel free to call and we can discuss it further

  • I want to book but Im not sure what bike fit option is best for me

    Give me a call! I’m happy to help, I’ll will ask a few questions about how far you ride, what you plan to use your bike for, if you have any issues on the bike etc, and advice you what option would best suit your needs.

  • I recently had a bike fit with you and something still doesnt feel right, what should I do?

    No problem, as we discussed during the session, if we make big changes it can take some time to get used to. Give me a call, I may be able to advice you what to do over the phone, but if not I’ll book you back in free of charge and we will re-assess the issue to get it right.

  • How often do I need a bikie fit?

    This really depends on your goals. If you’re having a fit just to get comfortable, you shouldnt need another fit for a very long time (uinless you start changing components). If you’re having a fit to improve performance, bike fitting becomes progressive. As you get stronger and more flexibile (in you’re doing the exercises Ive given you!), you’ll start to feel like you can get more aero, and you’ll be wanting to come back to get re-fitted.

  • Will I notice improvements straight after my bike fit?

    Quite often, yes you will. But its also important to remember we are putting you into a different riding position. This means you will use your muscles differently (better!) and it takes time for muscles to adapt, meaning you may ache more than normal at first! Evidence suggests it takes around 300 miles for your body to get used to a new bike fit! We are thinking of the best bike fit for you long term, not short term.