The bikes maxed out, now what?

One problem with bikes is they can only be adjusted to a certain extent, but what if thats not enough?

With the right advice the human body is capable of some fantastic things. It’s easy to say buy a shorter stem, its more effective to be shown how to increase flexibility in your lower back and hamstrings so you dont need a new stem. The latter saving you money, providing a more efficient and comfortable ride, and helping to prevent injuries. Its a no brainer!

Physiotherapists are specialists in assessing and treating the human body, which after all is the bikes engine!

Even though cycling is up there as one of the best rehabilitation tools following a lower limb injury, it can turn full circle and be the source of injury also.  When you are out on the bike, you will be spinning from anywhere between 4000 and 7000 revolutions per hour.

Performing an off the bike muscle and movement screening, it allows me to pick up on areas of tightness or weakness that will not only reduce your riding efficiency and comfort, but also increase your risk of injury. With this I can then put together a program for you to take away that will address these areas.

This results in a bike fitted to you the best your bike allows, and a body working in progress to maximise the bike fit, taking it a step further than any other bike fit you could get!


The Future of Bike Fitting